Stream both FCK's matches against Banik Ostrava in the FCK app
F.C. Copenhagen have agreed with Banik Ostrava that we can stream the away game in our FCK-app and on the website tv.fck.dk.
The game in Ostrava is played on Thursday 15 August at 7pm - and you can also stream the home game in Parken tonight at 7pm.
You just need an FCK+ subscription, which also provides access to a lot of exclusive video content and offers a range of benefits and discounts on ticket purchases, merchandise, and more. *)
An FCK+ subscription costs 59 DKK per month (no fixed term).
First you have to create an FCK Profile at billet.fck.dk, which is a single login for all our platforms.
You can then add the FCK+ subscription (also at billet.fck.dk) and get access to the exclusive video-content. It is important that you sign up for FCK+ with the same e-mail that you have used for the FCK Profile.
Now you are ready to see the livestream, either in the FCK App or at tv.fck.dk.
Our customer service is ready to help - please contact info@fck.dk.
*) Season ticket holders and ticket-/card-subscribers already have access to the exclusive TV content.
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Download the FCK App (called "F.C. København")