Telia Replay - New exciting video feature in the apps
During the first game of 2018 we tested a new feature in our official app, which we have now launched as a fully integrated feature in our two apps: VoresKBH og Telia Parken Live.
TELIA REPLAY is a feature built to complement the full match experience at our home games in Telia Parken using the free WIFI.
The features gives the spectator fast access to short video clips of key situations during the match. Every key situation is available just nine seconds after it has happened on the pitch.
The official club app VoresKBH already supports pre-order/payment of F&B, digital season tickets, ticket sales, in-game match statistics and competitions.
You can find TELIA REPLAY in both our apps:
VoresKBH - The official club app for iPhone and Android
Telia Parken Live - The official stadium app for iPhone and Android
"In partnership with Telia we have produced a rather technical setup to provide this service. Telia Replay is built to complement the matchday experience through quick access to small video replays during the match. The spectator can quickly find the requested scene, watch it and bring back the attention to the game in a few seconds," says Casper Heiselberg, Head of Digital at F.C. Copenhagen.
"We all know the situation, where you wait for the reaction on social media or for the jumbotron to show a tackle or a big chance during the match. With Telia Replay you can instantly watch the scene and quickly get your focus back onto the game.
"The feedback from our spectators have been very positive so far."
With TELIA REPLAY you can quickly see selected highlights on your mobile - just after they happen. All highlights will then be placed on a timeline so you can swiftly go back and see past clips from the game.
Download VoresKBH:
Download Telia Parken Live:
Free WIFI at Telia Parken
All spectators can access free WIFI at Telia Parken.