F.C. Copenhagen becomes independent company
A decision has been made by PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S to move F.C. Copenhagen into an independent partner company with retroactive effect from 1 January 2023.
In continuation of company announcement 2020/21, the board of PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S has decided that, with retroactive effect from 1 January 2023, there will be a separation of the football activities, with F.C. Copenhagen becoming an independent partner company.
The company is registered as 'F.C. København P/S' and, in addition to the football activities, will also manage the leasing of the Parken stadium for international matches, concerts and events.
"The purpose of the separation of F.C. Copenhagen is to make every single business unit under PARKEN Sport & Entertainment more transparent and agile," says PSE chairman of the board Allan L. Agerholm.
"We believe that the individual companies are very strong in themselves, and this becomes even more evident via this separation.
"At the same time, it also gives F.C. Copenhagen better conditions to implement the club strategy that has been laid out for the coming years, and from which we are already beginning to see very positive effects."
Separation of the football activities into a partner company does not require authority approval, and the company is 100 percent owned by PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S at the time of establishment.
"We are delighted that we will be able to make the club's identity and strengths even more visible to the outside world, and to be able to act as an independent entity and club to an even greater extent," says FCK director Jacob Lauesen.
"We have laid a strong foundation with our new strategy, which will further strengthen the our commercial and sporting progress in the coming years."
Jacob Lauesen will continue to be responsible for the operation of the company, while Peter Christiansen will continue to be sports director with responsibility for football.
The ownership of the office towers in Parken Stadium remains with PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S. PARKEN Sport & Entertainment A/S and F.C. København P/S will establish a 30-year non-cancelable lease for the rent of the stadium, excluding the office towers.