F.C. Copenhagen supports +4,000 families over Christmas
For several years F.C. Copenhagen have had a tradition of helping families with Christmas aid via support of a number of organisation, associations and institutions.
The club's Christmas aid is given in the form of ticket donations for Christmas presents for families with children in need, so that they can have a football experience in Parken during one of our first home games in the New Year.
This Christmas, the ticket donations apply to our home match against FC Nordsjælland, which is expected to be played on Sunday 25 February 2024. However, the match date and time have not yet been finalised.
The deadline to apply for a Christmas aid ticket is 20 November, and this year we are supporting over 4,000 families.
The support is provided via EventyrJul, København Vineyard, Stop Spild Lokalt, Regen/Kristuskirken, Nørrebrobyggerne, FMKB (Familier Med Kræftramte Børn) and many more organisations, associations and institutions, who do a great job in providing Christmas help to needy families.
Further developments
The club will soon send information to the organisations that have applied for Christmas help and arrange to distribute gift cards to their associated families.
If you want to make use of the gift cards, you must register on fck.dk with the code on the gift card, and then we will send discount codes, after which you can draw four tickets per person until 19 February 2024 for the FC Nordsjælland match.
Christmas party on 24 December
We remind everyone that until 4 December you can also register for the Christmas party on 24 December, where F.C. Copenhagen and Red Cross Capital together invite people who suffer from loneliness and don't have wider support networks to get together and celebrate Christmas.