Man City, Sevilla and Dortmund in Champions League group stage

F.C. Copenhagen will face Manchester City, Sevilla and Borussia Dortmund in the 2022/23 UEFA Champions League group stage.

Match dates and kick off times are yet to be determined, but we will provide details in due course.

Ticket information
Tickets for the group stage will generally only sold as packages for all three home games. You are not guaranteed tickets, even if you are on the mailing list, and when we contact people on the list about ticket sales, it is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Ticket sales begin on Monday 29 August.

All season ticket holders and subscribers can purchase a maximum of eight rounds of group game packages (your own seat + up to seven extra places). However, each extra person allocated a ticket must have a profile created on If you need to purchase extra seats, you can freely choose from all available and non-reserved seats in Parken.

Here's the club's ticketing schedule:

  • Monday 29 August at 11am - Right of first refusal for season ticket holders and subscribers with a deadline of Wednesday 31 August at 11am
  • Wednesday 31 August at 4:30pm - Right of first refusal for previous ticket buyers for F.C. Copenhagen's home games
  • Friday 2 September at noon - Possible open sale of any remaining tickets for all interested parties (to be confirmed)

All subscribers and season ticket holders will be contacted directly with information regarding access/right of first refusal for their seat - and therefore there is no benefit from being added to this list.

NOTE: Since all seats are reserved in Sektion 12, it is not possible to purchase additional group game packages in Sektion 12 for people without a subscription to Sektion 12.

Prices for group stage packages will be available on Monday.

Group stage schedule

  • 6-7 September
  • 13-14 September
  • 4-5 October
  • 11-12 October
  • 25-26 October
  • 1-2 November

Sign up for our ticketing newsletter below (in Danish). Season ticket holders and subscribers will be contacted about their ticketing options, so there is no need for them to subscribe to this newsletter. Please note only FCK supporters will be permitted to sit in the home stands of Parken Stadium. Away tickets for our three home group games will go on sale via each respective away club.