Red Cross collectors get tickets for FCK v AGF
All collectors in Copenhagen who go out for the Red Cross on Sunday, October 1 will be invited to F.C. Copenhagen’s Alka Superliga match against AGF on Sunday, October 22.
Each collector can get up to four tickets. It is therefore a good opportunity to take children, family and friends to the game against AGF.
“The Red Cross carries out an invaluable effort throughout the world, and Sunday's October 1 collection is important to the people around the world, who the Red Cross helps,” says FCK CEO Anders Hørsholt.
“We encourage anyone who can give a few hours to sign up as a collector, and we look forward to giving all collectors in Copenhagen a good experience in Telia Parken against AGF.”
To raise awareness, the Red Cross has also organised a challenge on Monday, September 25 at 4.30pm at Copenhagen Central Station. Here FCK’s Youssef Toutouh and Kasper Kusk will compete with FC Nordsjælland pair Mathias Jensen and Mads "Mini" Pedersen to recruit the most collectors to the Red Cross. Master Fatman will also be attending, and the Red Cross will stream it on their Facebook page.
As an FCK fan you can support the club in the competition against FC Nordsjælland - and first and foremost the good deeds - by registering as a Red Cross collector at rodekors.dk/fck
You can also register as a collector at www.indsamler.dk or phone 70 10 00 00.
You will then get more information about your route and materials for collection.