Telia Parken Stadium

Parken Stadium

Pitch size
105m x 68m

2000 Lux

Seating capacity

Public transportation
We suggest that you use the travel planner "Rejseplanen" to make sure that you find the easiest way from your destination and get the latest traffic information about changes etc.

Nearest S-train: Østerport, Nordhavn, Ryparken.
Nearest Metro: Trianglen, Poul Henningsens Plads, Vibenshus Runddel

Parking is possible in the Østerbro area. One should be aware of the local parking needs, the inner city traffic and the local parking restrictions which are applicable to the area. 
Øster Allé is the closest parking possibility, but expect much traffic and a very restricted number of parking places. 
Parken Stadium has a VIP parking area which are available for those with a VIP Parking Certificate.