FC Copenhagen vs Atalanta: Ticket info for away fans

First of all we wish to welcome you to Copenhagen and our stadium Telia Parken, which is only a few kilometres from the centre of the city.

No ticket sales on matchday
For safety reasons, all tickets for the Atalanta fan section are sold via Atalanta B.C., and you can't buy tickets to this section from tickets stands around the stadium.

Fan separation
Please note that all other stand sections are reserved for F.C. Copenhagen’s fans.

These rules on “separation of fans” have been made in order to enhance security at all football matches in Telia Parken. If you do not comply with these rules, you may be denied access/expelled without receiving a refund for your ticket, unless you have a ticket for the visiting team’s stand section.

These rules are described in more detail in the Ground Regulations.

Getting to Telia Parken
There will be a lot of people in the area, because the annual "DHL Run" (5 kilometre race for thousands of runners) is being held in Fælledparken close to Telia Parken. We suggest you access Telia Parken from the east side (Østerbrogade).

If you go by yourself, you can take bus 1A or 14, and it's only a few minutes walk from the bus stop at Østerbrogade.

You are welcome to contact our customer service team at +45 43 31 31 or e-mail info@parken.dk